The Youth Pathway Program funded by the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) works with clients at risk or experiencing homelessness. Utilising a client centred and collaborative approach to co-case management, Path 2 Change (P2C) supports young people aged 15 – 24 in collaboration with Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) to ensure a holistic approach to support.
P2C responds to individual barriers young people may be experiencing by targeted case planning and developing pathways into work experience, courses, education, training and
Staff working with Dylan from the YI program who was in Out of Home Care, Kinship Care placement. Over COVID the client became very depressed and dropped out of school and wouldn’t leave the home or engage with staff. Path 2 Change staff (who never give up!) identified their love for music and organised three music lessons with Hip Hop beats ad music.
Dylan was supported by staff for the first lesson but has been now attending independently. Dylan’s confidence has increased and is ‘getting out of the house!’ which includes enrolling for Music Production with TAFE in early 2023.
Youth Initiative (YI) provides support to young people leaving statutory out-of-home care
(OOHC), who are identified as being vulnerable to or at risk of experiencing homelessness on
exit from care. The program aims to build the long-term capacity and resilience of young people to permanently divert them from the homelessness service system.
YI assists young people to develop strong personal networks and skills to navigate multiple
adult support service systems and increase their capacity to manage crises and change as they transition to independence. Support is also provided to engage or re-engage with education and/or employment and learn the daily living skills required to transition into independent living.
Acknowledgement of Country.
Path 2 Change acknowledge and respect all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People as the traditional custodians of the skies, water, and land that we work, live, and play on. We pay our respects to their elders, both past and present. We extend that respect to all Aboriginal people that we work with in the community sector.
We recognize the deep and enduring spiritual connection and relationship Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People have with community, we honour their strength and vitality.
We acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded. Always was and always will be Aboriginal land.
Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES)
Path 2 Change has achieved the Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES) Accreditation. The ASES is a set of Standards and National Quality Improvement program to assist non government organisations (NGOs) to improve operational and business systems, governance, management practices and service delivery. Path 2 Change continues to implement quality improvement strategies to ensure compliance and improvement in all areas of service delivery.